Square Chapel is a thriving arts venue bringing live music, theatre, dance, musicals, workshops and youth theatre to over 30,000 audience members and participants in Halifax. In May 2012, the Trustees of The Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation agreed to provide funding over 3 years to Square Chapel's Write to Record project, supporting young people to gain skills in musicianship, song-writing, recording and performing. Write to Record participants are from diverse backgrounds and communities aged 11-18 and will be taught by professional musicians and supported to progress in their learning to play, writing songs, recording and collaborating as well as performing and exploring education and careers in music. Up to 100 young people will be involved over a three year sustained programme, with the equipment purchased for the project being available for others to use as the Arts Centre resource. The Trustees of the Foundation were particularly impressed by the quality of training to be provided and the long term impact on the arts in the Calderdale area.