The Scottish Heritage Angel Awards are supported by The Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation and were established in 2014. The first such awards in Scotland, they will recognise the work of voluntary groups and individuals in protecting and celebrating Scotland's historic environment. The inaugural Scottish Heritage Angel Awards ceremony will take place in Autumn 2015 and will make awards in five categories: INVESTIGATING AND RECORDING - volunteer / community-based projects recording local history and heritage. CARING AND PROTECTING - volunteer-led involvement in saving / restoring heritage sites and buildings. SHARING AND CELEBRATING - volunteer-led projects promoting local history, architecture and archaeology . CAPACITY BUILDING - projects demonstrating sharing of skills with volunteers. LIFETIME CONTRIBUTION TO THE HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT - for individuals nominated by local groups and communities. The awards are run by a partnership of Historic Scotland, Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland, Scottish Government, Archaeology Scotland and the Scottish Civic Trust and complement the existing English Heritage Angel Awards, co-funded by The Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation.