In Harmony Sistema England

In Harmony Sistema England runs intense music projects in schools using professional musicians to involve all children in the school or schools in the area. Professional musicians work for 6 to 7 hours per week in the school as part of the curriculum throughout the school year.  The whole school is involved with the aim that every child learns an instrument and how to play as part of an orchestra or ensemble.  Results have proved that not only does this increase musical ability but it also enhances social skills and levels of numeracy and literacy.  Up to 1,000 children agred 5 - 11 take part each year. In October 2011, the Trustees of The Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation agreed to a one off grant to fund the employment of a fundraiser for this project.  The Trustees of the Foundation were particularly impressed with the legacy of musical understanding and appreciation in young children this project has demonstrated to date.