Andy is in Year Six and enjoying Level three primarySTEPS programme in Dagenham.
How did it feel when you were chosen to participate in The Royal Ballet School’s primarySTEPS programme?
At first I was very excited because, you know, I was telling all my friends I got in and I was so excited. I’m still doing the lessons and I enjoy them although I think I could work harder.
At this point the Teacher interjects: “I think you do work hard – I tell you what I think you’re really good at, is performing, when you’re on stage I see you really dancing with your heart and soul, do you think that?”
Yes, because, you know, I always like giving my ideas. I like my ideas being chosen and putting my ideas into a dance so that they can make the dance.
What have you enjoyed most so far?
I’ve enjoyed going to the theatre and performing on stage. I feel proud to be performing in front of a lot of people. I feel proud, you know, that my dance is going out there.
And when you graduate what are you going to remember most about primarySTEPS?
Probably my naughtiness and how I’m going to regret that…sometimes when I sleep I think that I could have made this day better or I could have done that better.
Your Teacher says “That’s very mature of you to think in that way about things.” Do you think you will carry on dancing when you finish primarySTEPS?
I’m not sure I am a great at dancer, and that I will carry on dancing as I’m not sure that dancing is my strongest link and I want to work on what I’m best at. But performing my ideas on stage has made me feel more confident about going to secondary school and facing scary challenges.